Do you need a Battery Varta LFS52 ?
Now you can buy battery Varta LFS52 52Ah 470A 12V Professional Starter at the best price at baterias.com.
Boat battery Varta LFS52 52Ah 470A 12V has the following characteristics:
12V | 52Ah | 470A | 207x175x190 | Right |
VARTA® Professional Starter batteries have been specifically designed as a starter battery for all kinds of marine applications. Highly energy efficient, it delivers outstanding performance time and time again without the need for maintenance.
Today, the battery has become one of the most important elements of any vehicle. Both the safety systems and the auxiliary elements that equip the vehicles, depend to a great extent on the quality of the battery for its correct operation.
There are countless brands of batteries on the market and it is normal for a non-expert user to have doubts about which battery to choose.
For that reason, we list some of the reasons why we believe that choosing the right Varta Battery is always a wise choice:
Leading Brand: The Varta brand, with over 125 years of history, is the world's leading manufacturer of automotive batteries. Your Varta LFS52 battery is manufactured by the number one manufacturer in the industry.
Quality: During the manufacturing process of the Varta LFS52 battery, more than 100 parameters are monitored to guarantee the complete quality and reliability of the product.
Reliability: The main vehicle manufacturers on the market: Mercedes, BMW, Audi ... rely on Varta batteries to equip their new vehicles. Working for these manufacturers means exceeding their strict quality controls and expectations for reliability.
Don't play it. Installing a good battery for your vehicle is a matter of safety and reliability .
If you want additional information about Battery Varta LFS52, you can download the product's technical sheet at the following link:
vertical_align_bottomDownload technical sheet Varta LFS52 52Ah 470A 12V