The Battery ODYSSEY ODS-AGM70 PC1700 68Ah 810A (sae) ODS belongs to the ODSSEY ODS Batteries range,
With a well -known reputation in the world of energy and motor sports, the Odyssey Power & Motorsports (SDG) batteries offer a concentrated dual extreme power while providing exceptional reliability, useful life and deep cycle capabilities to keep ahead.
Motor sports vehicles need a powerful battery that is built to withstand the constant pounding that comes with the territory, either on land, sea or snow.The Odyssey battery can handle it.With a resistant construction and full of pure lead plates, the AGM design without spills of the Odyssey battery protects against the impact and vibration that other batteries can destroy quickly.
Odyssey batteries offer enormous starting power, rapid recovery and extreme durability required by heavy and commercial vehicles
Ideal for:
Motorized sports
Moto snow
Water Moto
Battery advantages and characteristics ODYSSEY ODS-AGM70 PC1700 68Ah 810A (sae)
Double power in general
Tolerance at extreme temperatures
Three times the useful life of conventional batteries
Vibrations resistant
Up to 400 cycles at 80% discharge depth
How to find the right battery for your vehicle or device?
If you have doubts about the battery you need, do not hesitate to contact our customer service.
Why choose an Odyssey battery?
The Odyssey brand batteries are resistant to vibrations because they have extreme protection against impacts and vibrations.All this to meet the needs of vehicles, vessels and modern equipment.
Know more about Odyssey
Odyssey, with +25 years in the sector (also developed by Enersys) offers batteries designed with PURE Power TPPL technology, with twice as much power and triple useful life than other conventional batteries.
The Odyssey brand batteries have a massive starting power (start -up impulses of up to 2700 amps for five seconds).They are resistant to vibrations because they have extreme protection against impacts and vibrations.
All this to meet the needs of modern vehicles, vessels and equipment, since its ODP (performance) and ODX (Extreme) series offer mixed use batteries that are worth almost for any application.
If you want additional information about Battery Odyssey PC1700 ODS-AGM70, you can download the product's technical sheet at the following link: