What is the difference between Varta E11 and E12 battery?

The difference between Varta E11 battery and Varta E12 battery is the location of the positive pole. In the rest of the characteristics and benefits they are equivalent: same measurements, same capacity (Ah), same starting force, etc ...

Thus, while the Varta E11 battery has the positive pole on the right side, the Varta E12 battery has it on the left side of the battery.

Remember that to see the location of the positive pole of a battery you always have to visually locate yourself directly in front of the terminals. To clear up doubts, it is best to visually position the battery as in the photo and compare the polarity of the positive.

If your car is of European manufacture, it is most likely that it has a blue dynamic E11 battery. Therefore, if you have chosen an E12 battery, it is advisable to take a good look at the arrangement of the terminals, lest we have misplaced the positive terminal of our battery.

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